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Steampipe, and asset management framework, is in Beta

I just found that the guys behind OpenPipeline are working on a new software called SteamPipe (Copied from their website):
"An asset management framework with a centralized server, and a web interface.
The framework allows organizations to easily deļ¬ne workļ¬‚ows and build in automation to standardize and minimize investment, and asset types are declared as plug-ins, so customizing, extending, and creating new assets or building on existing assets is possible.

SteamPipe will be available as a custom installation during Beta, contact them for more information."


Anonymous said…
Hi! You have such a good point of view. It is very well said. Thank you so much for sharing this informative post and for sharing your posts with us. I'll be looking forward for your other posts as well. Keep it up and more power to you. What a great post! Asset management refers to any system that monitors and maintains things of value to an entity or group. It may apply to both tangible assets such as buildings and to intangible concepts such as intellectual property and goodwill. Asset management is a systematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively. Alternative views of asset management in the engineering environment are: The practice of managing assets to achieve the greatest return (particularly useful for productive assets such as plant and equipment), and the process of monitoring and maintaining facilities systems, with the objective of providing the best possible service to users (appropriate for public infrastructure assets). Stocks of small, mid and large US companies spread across many different sectors and industries. Some stock positions may be held with the goal of long term capital appreciation while others may generate regular dividends to help with current cash flow needs. Asset Management MA

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