On November 2007, Eskil kindly answered my generic request for information on the subject of this blog, but then I simply forgot until today, when I found the emails I exchanged with him. I can only recommend you to have a look at it. I think the implications are immense. He mentioned Verse , "a network protocol for 3d graphics". This might sound a bit abstract, but if you dig a little deeper, you get to the fascinating part, for instance, this introduction comes from his own site, Quelsolaar : "Verse is a network standard that a allows graphics applications to share data in real-time . It means that two or more independent applications can share the same data. If you make a change in one you immediately see the change in the other . It is a free and open source system that can be integrated in to any graphics application to allow them to share data. You can collaborate with other users over the Internet , use it for content pipe-lining, games, VR, simulation and much m...